Best articles to link to when introducing someone to Less Wrong?

I’ve recently been trying to introduce some of my friends to less wrong. As a starting point I’ve linked them to HP:MOR and ‘Three worlds collide’ on the basis that they are both entertaining and accessible. But I’m not sure where to go next. Sending them to a main index page would likely be overwhelming, so could you suggest some sample articles to give them a general flavour of less wrong and envourage them to read more?

Qualities for such articles would probably include being:

  • accessible to an intelligent non-specialist, so not include too much jargon and dependences on other articles;

  • relatively short, so they can be absorbed at one sitting and aren’t offputtingly long;

  • well written and readable, in such a way that gives a good impression of less wrong’s competence to the skeptical;

  • and more optionally being on a particularly interesting subject matter.

What would you suggest?

[As I’m still a relative novice myself, apologies if a similar discussion has been had in the past and I haven’t stumbled across it.]