LW Update 2018-08-10 – Frontpage map, Markdown in LaTeX, restored posts and reversed spam votes

Here are the updates I pushed in the last week:

  • The community map is on the frontpage for the next week, to celebrate and promote the “SSC Meetups Everywhere”

  • We are now using a new Markdown processor, which allows you to use Markdown in your LaTeX. We use Pandoc’s syntax, which uses single $ , but doesn’t parse them when there is a number right after the second one. I.e.$4000 and $4000 doesn’t get parsed as LaTeX since the second dollar sign has a number immediately after it.

  • I’ve finally figured out how the old LW database stored some of the old deleted posts, which means you can now access a bunch of posts from LW again. Most notably this one, which many people requested.

  • I’ve also went back through the old database and did a larger hunt for spam and troll voters, and reversed all of their votes. This resulted in the votes of over 500 accounts getting reversed, with over 15000 votes being reversed (which is a lot, about as many votes as we had in all of March this year). If you had any of your old posts or comments downvoted, now might be the time to check whether that was just a result of trolls.