[Question] How can I get help becoming a better rationalist?


Right now, being ‘a rationalist’ could be said to be a massive part of my identity, at least judging by the absurd amount of time I’ve spent reading posts here, or SSC/​ACX, and in a few other places. Yet, I’m still a mere lurker unfamiliar with most of the local customs.

But it’s not what matters. What does is that I’m a terrible rationalist.
You see, rationality takes practice. And reading stuff on LW isn’t practice at all. If anything, it’s just a great way of filling my brain with a lot of useful concepts, and then either blame myself for not using them, or use them for something entirely unrelated to their normal purpose. Often, to make myself feel worse, and think worse.

As the saying goes, rationality is a martial art. Learning it by reading the rules, or by watching other people apply the rules, is about as effective as developing one’s muscles by watching sports on TV.

I know of the CFAR, and of various related groups, meetups for ACX readers or for other people, etc. But, apart from ACX meetups, which aren’t about being better rationalists per se, I don’t have easy access to any of those, or certainly to a general environment which welcomes this. You know, not being in the Bay Area and all.

And yet, I want to be more rational as much as anyone who’s been lurking here for five years wants it, and given how depressed I was until very recently, I probably badly need it, too.

I’m not sure what kind of answers I expect, but, like, how can I push myself to learn more, and especially to practice more, and ideally to actually use rationality to improve my life?