AI-Based Code Generation Using GPT-J-6B

Link post

Above is a link to an interesting post about synthetic code generation with a transformer model trained on The Pile, which contains a large chuck of GitHub and StackOverflow. Due to CommonCrawl’s deficiency in this area, the much smaller GPT-J-6B outperforms OpenAI’s largest publicly available GPT-3 models. The performance is impressive enough that one wonders how capable a 100+ billion parameter model trained on The Pile will be, let alone what an AlphaGo-level engineering effort towards the end of synthetic code generation would achieve.

As the The Pile was created to provide a dataset for 100 billion paramater+ models, we may not have to wait long. The examples in the post are clearly trivial, but I personally take this to be something of a fire alarm. I was not previously aware of how poorly-optimized GPT-3 was for code generation, and I have updated toward surprising gains in this area in the next few years.

I no longer consider agents with superhuman performance in competitive programming to be a ridiculous thing to pursue.

It is useful to remind myself of how shocked I would be to see such things in 2012. In 2012 I would have taken this as a sign that AGI was near.

Scenario-based planning postulates that one should predict symptoms emblematic of a given scenario and then robotically assume you are in said scenario once a sufficient number of these symptoms come to pass. I am unsure whether there is wisdom in this approach, but I find it a discomfiting line of thought.