Free Tutoring in Math/​Programming

I enjoy teaching, and I’d like to do my bit for the Less Wrong community. I’ve tutored a few people on the #lesswrong IRC channel in freenode without causing permanent brain damage. Hence I’m extending my offer of free tutoring from #lesswrong to

I offer tutoring in the following programming languages:

  1. Haskell

  2. C

  3. Python

  4. Scheme

I offer tutoring in the following areas of mathematics:

  1. Elementary Algebra

  2. Trigonometry

  3. Calculus

  4. Linear Algebra

  5. Analysis

  6. Abstract Algebra

  7. Logic

  8. Category Theory

  9. Probability Theory

  10. Combinatorics

  11. Computational Complexity

If you’re interested contact me. Contact details below:

IRC: PatrickRobotham

Skype: grey_fox26
