Sacrifice for the Big Crunch

Let us assume that the end of the universe will be consistent with the Big Crunch for the rest of our story, simply the ‘event’ which is most easily described as the inverse to the Big Bang, the universe contracting into a singularity. Let us also assume that you have, by billions of years worth of advancements in science, remained alive. The end is near, the temperature of space is already several hundred degrees and climbing. Despite our advancements, we are unable to know what exactly will result from the event as we have no prior examples. However, we were aware that, for quite some time, our universe was shrinking. With the forewarning to prepare we created a spaceship capable of exiting the universe entirely, however by the time it has acquired enough power to make such an escape, you have been rendered the last living intelligence in the universe. Therefore humanity has given you command of the spacecraft you’re currently inhabiting, given complete freedom, but only two possibilities, with four plausible outcomes.

Option 1: You can choose to remain in the universe, eventually the laws of physics dictate your craft will be unable to resist gravitational forces, the heat, and radiation, you will be consumed as everyone else already has into the event.

O1 Outcome 1: With all matter from which the current universe began being restored into singularity, this universe is repeated. How many times you are consumed and how many times the event has happened in unknowable, but likely approaches infinity. No one will ever know that this is happening. But everyone dies repeatedly, yet everyone always come back to live repeatedly. Death ceases permanence. Yet with repetition comes the destruction of free will, every time you will choose death, and every time this universe will repeat.

O1 Outcome 2: Due to the true randomness in quantum mechanics a completely new universe is created from the old, possibly one with altered properties of physics and thus uninhabitable. Or just slightly off, potentially spawning new intelligent creatures. Whatever the case, the cycle of destruction and creation goes on. You give life yet will never be brought back to experience it.

Option 2: Using the power the spacecraft has gathered you decide to initiate the escape process to leave the universe, hoping to ride out the event.

O2 Outcome 1: You escape and ride out the Big Crunch, returning after the Big Bang. Unlikely as it is, you may find new life in this new universe but with less mass the Big Bang is different, thus humans will in almost all certainly be gone forever, except for you. With a near infinite lifespan you’re able to repeat this escape process multiple times. You prove free will by changing the universe’s loop and escaping existentialism, but by that same decision you garuntee the dead who may have lived again will continue as pre-universe history.

02 Outcome 2: For whatever reason, the space craft doesn’t actually work, the world outside the universe is instant death, maybe the space craft runs out of power before the Big Bang can reoccur. Whatever the reason, you die, with new parameters for the start and end of the universe, your death is permanent, and no one else will have life repeated.

The end question is simple, assuming a 5050 chance of each outcome occurring per option. What is the best command and why.