[Meetup] Reminder: Reason Rally Meetup in DC, this Saturday

This Saturday is the Reason Rally in Washington DC, a gathering of people promoting secularism, skepticism, rationality, atheism and other related topics. It’s a good opportunity to meet people who are close to but not familiar with the Less Wrong memeplex. There will be a Less Wrong meetup later in the evening.


The Rally itself starts at 10:00 AM, running till 4 PM. Shortly thereafter (i.e 4:15) Less Wrong folks will meet up by a (currently unchosen) distinctive landmark, and plan the evening. (Any plan we make in advance will likely change, since we don’t know how many people are coming, don’t know who else we might have met who was interested in hanging out with us, and there will probably be various other things going on we can’t anticipate).

If you’re coming, you may want to send me a PM with your phone number so we can find each other during the Rally. (I’ll be posting the chosen landmark here when we figure it out, but it may be easier to communicate by phone or text)

Maia and PhilSchwartz had some crash space available. Send them a PM to inquire if they still have space

The original meetup post is here.