Analyzing our discussions in other forums

I frequent several boards about several topics, mainly fandom-related ones. In the large majority of them, I’ve eventually felt the urgent need to inject some rationalist ideas into threads that seemed to be sorely needing them.

Even in the best of cases, those that don’t devolve into flame wars and remain overall polite, I usually meet with limited success at best. So I wonder—assuming my own experience is shared by others here—should we perhaps share links for some of those threads, and discuss here how we could have handled the conversation better, possibly how we could have had more success injecting rationality than we actually did?

The most recent such discussion I had was today, in the forums of Gunnerkrigg Court. I made a post very early on in the thread in question, but my real contribution began here after another poster (who actually seemed science-minded in desire, if not in practice!) asked “What if the soul is the energy?” I had to cringe at that, and tried to explain how meaningless a statement that was—but I don’t seem to have succeeded much, even though I don’t know how I could have done better.

Please say what you think about my idea of discussing our threads in other forums in general, and/​or any ideas you have about how I could have handled better that specific thread in particular...