[Question] How to deal with fear of failure?

LW has a lot of advice on how to do more things, how to do them better, how to set goals, etc., and I often spend ages reading those, because I’ve been noticing that my life goals are unclear, that I’m not often strategic, and that my productivity clearly could use some improving.

And, until recently, reading all that stuff didn’t help me fix anything. Told me I should do this or that, but I didn’t, end of story. However, I’ve recently started to understand how much of my lack of ‘motivation’, ‘grit’, ‘goals’, ‘productivity’, etc. boils down to a huge fear of failure. But, apart from HPMOR chapter 10, which is what made me notice that this was the problem with me, I haven’t managed to find many useful resources here on how to fight my fear of failure. Given that “just go try and do stuff”, while good advice, isn’t exactly easily actionable…

So, I wanted to ask: do we actually have advice on how to solve this problem?