Only selfimmolate if you care about what foreigners think

Someone self immolates and explicitly states it is a form of political protest in Megdad. What a crazy regime!
Someone self immolates and explicitly states it is a form of political protest in Hometown. What a crazy person!

Edit: What −5 already? What is giving an example of how people never take the outside view of their own society that bad a topic for the discussion section? Also disclaimer both Hometown State and Megdadistan Republic are fictional countries and no actual examples where given, to avoid mind killers.

2nd Edit: Wow I really need to spell this out? The media of Hometown are more likley to treat an immolation in Megdad as due to a legitimate grievance worthy of attention and down play any mental health problems or details that might paint the person in an unflattering light compared to someone who self-immolates in Hometown. And I think this effect is mostly not due to government enforced censorship or pressure.

Noble act of defiant self-sacrifice is far. Suicidal crazies are near.

The only way to get good coverage to acheive social change is to count on foreign media to paint a kind picture of you. And supposing your people care about what the media of Megdad say about your country.

3rd Edit: −15 Pretty clear that I’m wrong .