In a room adorned with the latest Apple products, citizens gathered, their bodies adorned with electrodes, the silent guardians against subconscious bias. Today’s assembly was a regular one, the “Cultural Appreciation and Linguistic Harmony” (CALH), a ritual of unity in the pursuit of Progress.

Images of the Closed-Minded Reactionaries glared from the screens: racists, sexists, those clinging to outdated words and ideas. A voice, steady and strong, began to speak, chronicling the crimes and clarifying the ever-evolving language of decency. The electrodes beeped reassuringly, a constant reminder endorsing the virtues of diversity and tolerance.

A harmonious hum filled the room, swelling into a chant of solidarity. Faces were aflame with righteous indignation, fists clenched in a shared purpose. The room pulsed with collective emotion, each individual melding into a singular force against the Closed-Minded.

Images on the screens flickered between outdated flags and once-celebrated leaders, now marked as symbols of intolerance. Phrases like “All Lives Matter” and “Traditional Marriage” were displayed, labeled as echoes of a bigoted past. The chant morphed into a raucous roar, with cries of “Equity!” and “Inclusion!” ringing through the room. The assembly’s fervent symphony for Progress was underscored by the soft, corrective shocks from the electrodes, ensuring uniformity of thought. Participants were shown newly-cancelled YouTubers and de-platformed authors. The crowd’s response was a blend of revulsion and righteousness, a single entity caught in a relentless pursuit of a constantly changing moral code.

Then, with a calculated crescendo, it was over. The devices dimmed; the electrodes were removed. The room, now hushed, felt colder, emptier. Citizens dispersed, momentarily fortified by their shared experience, but marked by the unrelenting vigilance of the Party.

In a world where harmful words must be gently corralled, the CALH was a beacon of Progress, a unifying ritual under the watchful eye of a Party that cared enough to guide every thought, every word, towards our utopian future.