Meetup : Berkeley: How Robot Cars Are Near

Discussion article for the meetup : Berkeley: How Robot Cars Are Near

WHEN: 19 December 2012 07:30:00PM (-0500)

WHERE: Berkeley, CA

Location and time for this Wednesday’s meetup are confirmed! It will be at 7:30pm (not 7pm) at Zendo. I will not be there, but Michael Keenan will be giving a talk about robot cars.

Michael Keenan is an entrepreneur, activist and futurist who works with The Seasteading Institute and the Center For Applied Rationality. His talk, How Robot Cars Are Near, describes how robot cars will save millions of lives, billions of hours and trillions of dollars.

Michael will also be speaking at the Extreme Futurist Fest on December 22.

For directions to Zendo, see the mailing list:


or call me at:


Discussion article for the meetup : Berkeley: How Robot Cars Are Near