[Question] Looking for books about software engineering as a field

I work in the software industry but am not a software developer. My job is to write about software development, and I’ve learned a whole bucketload of terms: stuff like ‘linked lists’, ‘CI/​CD’, ‘performance optimization’, ‘deploy to AWS’, ‘dockerize’, ‘microservices’, ‘SQL injection’, ‘multithreaded program’, ‘vectorized code’, and on and on and on. However, a lot of the time I’m basically just Chinese-rooming – I can write about these things, but I don’t actually understand how any of them fit together. For example, I’ve had three people try to explain exactly what an API is to me, for more than two hours total, but I just can’t internalize it. I feel that there’s some impossible-to-articulate piece I’m missing, and none of the words people say to me about software stuff stick because I’m lacking a foundation on which to build up my understanding.

So my question is, are there any books (or other resources) that explain the field of software engineering as a cohesive whole? I’m not looking for books that will teach me to code, because I don’t think that’s the thing I want. Feel free to ask clarifying questions. Thanks!


EDIT: I realized I should include more context on my work and my background, so here it is:

I have an undergrad degree in physics, which gave me extremely minimal exposure to Python. I also took two quarters of intro CS, one in C and one in Racket. As a result I know how to write a for loop and a bit about very basic algorithms; that’s about it. I’ve been in my current job for nearly a year, and my primary task is to write about the skillsets of individual software engineers. This entails things like connecting someone’s verbal knowledge of back-end web development to their experience creating microservices; I can do this quite competently and don’t make many technical mistakes. I have also learned a bit on the job regarding a couple data structures, some web stuff, and smatterings of info about ML, data science, DevOps, front-end/​UI, and mobile development.