[Question] Should we build thermometer substitutes?

China and South Korea both take people’s temperatures (via non-contact thermometers) in a broad variety of situations. Is testing someone for a fever a useful diagnostic in isolation, without the other parts of their operational workflows, i.e. reverse GPS tracking for contact tracing?

If so, it may be useful to research or brainstorm methods of taking a person’s temperature that do not require an actual thermometer. Thermometers appear to be in short supply on Amazon, but it looks like you’d have no trouble getting one on eBay. That said, there maybe not be enough thermometers in stock to implement a testing program where every single place of business has one (or more) to test all of their employees and customers.

My first idea was to use a smartphone camera and attempt to extract some signal from that, but it turns out that not only do many smartphone cameras come with infrared filters to improve image quality, even those that don’t still aren’t capable of detecting thermal IR.

Can anyone think of any other plausible side-channels by which you might estimate a person’s body temperature within sufficient tolerances?