Linkposts now live!

You can now submit links to LW! As the rationality community has grown up, more and more content has moved off LW to other places, and so rather than trying to generate more content here we’ll instead try to collect more content here. My hope is that Less Wrong becomes something like “the Rationalist RSS,” where people can discover what’s new and interesting without necessarily being plugged in to the various diaspora communities.

Some general norms, subject to change:

  1. It’s okay to link someone else’s work, unless they specifically ask you not to. It’s also okay to link your own work; if you want to get LW karma for things you make off-site, drop a link here as soon as you publish it.

  2. It’s okay to link old stuff, but let’s try to keep it to less than 5 old posts a day. The first link that I made is to Yudkowsky’s Guide to Writing Intelligent Characters.

  3. It’s okay to link to something that you think rationalists will be interested in, even if it’s not directly related to rationality. If it’s political, think long and hard before deciding to submit that link.

  4. It’s not okay to post duplicates.

As before, everything will go into discussion. Tag your links, please. As we see what sort of things people are linking, we’ll figure out how we need to divide things up, be it separate subreddits or using tags to promote or demote the attention level of links and posts.
(Thanks to James Lamine for doing the coding, and to Trike (and myself) for supporting the work.)