“In what sense can [properties P1...Pk] be valuable, if they are not valued by human judgment criteria (even if not consciously most of the time)?”
I don’t know. It might be that the only sense in which something can be valuable is to look valuable according to human judgment criteria (when thoroughly implemented, and well informed, and all that). If so, my concern is ill-formed or irrelevant.
On the other hand, it seems possible that human judgments of value are an imperfect approximation of what is valuable in some other (external?) sense. Imagine for example if we met multiple alien races and all of them said “I see what you’re getting at with this ‘value/goodness/beauty/truth’ thing, but you are misunderstanding it a bit; in a few thousand years, you will modify your root judgment criteria in such-and-such a way.” In that case I would wonder whether my current judgment criteria were not best understood as an approximation of this other set of criteria and whether it was not value according to this other set of criteria that I should be aiming for.
If human judgment criteria are an approximation of some other kind of value, they would probably cease to approximate that other kind of value when used to search over the large space of genie-accessible possibilities.
By way of analogy, scientists’ criteria for judging scientific truth/relevance/etc. seem to be changing usefully over time, and it may be that scientists’ criteria at different times can be viewed as successive approximations of some other (external?) truth-criteria. Galilean physicists had one way of determining what to believe, Newtonians another, and contemporary physicists yet another. In the restricted set of situations considered by Galilean physicists, Galilean methods yield approximately the same predictions as the methods of contemporary physicists. In the larger space of genie-accessible situations, they do not.
“You cannot predict, in advance, which of your values will be needed to judge the path through time that the genie takes.… The only safe genie is a genie that shares all your judgment criteria.”
Is a genie that does share all my judgment criteria necessarily safe?
Maybe my question is ill-formed; I am not sure what “safe” could mean besides “a predictable maximizer of my judgment criteria”. But I am concerned that human judgment under ordinary circumstances increases some sort of Beauty/Value/Coolness which would not be increased if that same human judgment was used to search over a less restricted set of possibilities.
The world is full of cases where selecting for A automatically increases B when you are searching over a restricted set of possibilities but does not increase B when those restrictions are lifted. Overfitting is a classic example. In cases of overfitting, if we search only over a restricted set of few-parameter models, models that do well on the training set will automatically do well on the generalization set, but if we allow more parameters the correlation disappears.
Modern marketing / product development can search over a larger set of alternatives than we used to have access to. In many cases human judgments correlate with less when used on modern manufactured goods than when used on the smaller set of goods that was formerly available. Judgments of tastiness used to correlate with health but now do not. Judgments of “this is a limited resource which I should grab quickly” used to indicate resources which we really should grab quickly but now do not (because of manufactured “limited time offer only” signs and the like).
Genies or AGI’s would search over an even larger space of possibilities than contemporary marketing searches over. In this larger space, many of the traditional correlates of human judgment will disappear. That is: in today’s restricted search spaces, outcomes which are ranked highly according to human judgment criteria tend also to have various other properties P1, P2, … Pk. In an AGI’s search space, outcomes which are ranked highly according to human judgment criteria will not have properties P1… Pk.
I am worried that properties P1...Pk are somehow valuable. That is, I am worried that in this world human judgments pick out outcomes that are somehow valuable and that human judgments’ ability to do this resides, not in our judgment criteria alone (which would be uploaded into our imagined genie) but in the conjunction of our judgment criteria with the restricted set of possibilities that has so far been available to us.