Virtue of Silence

TagLast edit: 1 Apr 2023 20:14 UTC by Ben Pace

Silence is a hard virtue. All the other virtues have the advantage that, when you practice them, people will praise you. Sometimes if your moral system is very different from your friends’ people will attack you for your virtues, but getting attacked by sufficiently horrible people can sometimes be just as gratifying as praise. But if you stay silent, there’s no praise and no attacks. By definition, no one even knows you made a courageous moral choice.

Scott Alexander, 2013

Below is the space where a long list of posts would be tagged with ‘Virtue of Silence’, but the posts were (wisely) not written.

The Virtue of Silence

Scott Alexander14 Jun 2013 19:00 UTC
128 points
4 comments4 min readLW link

Hooray for step­ping out of the limelight

So8res1 Apr 2023 2:45 UTC
281 points
26 comments1 min readLW link