Ob­ject level and Meta level

TagLast edit: 29 Apr 2023 16:15 UTC by Lauro Langosco

Object level vs. Meta level is a distinction between levels of abstraction. The object level usually is about a specific issue at hand, while the meta level is about general principles, ‘arguments about arguments’, or ‘thinking about thinking’.

Example 1: “You should care about climate change because of the greenhouse effect” is an object-level argument, while “you should care about climate change because the majority of scientists agree it is a problem” is a meta-level argument.

Example 2: Planning a project is an object-level thing to do, while doing a project management course is a more meta-level thing to do.

It is often useful to move up and down the ladder of abstraction to get points across clearly. Concrete object-level examples are easy to grasp and can provide grounding, while describing a concept on the meta-level is helpful for applying it to a broad domain.

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Ac­tu­ally, “per­sonal at­tacks af­ter ob­ject-level ar­gu­ments” is a pretty good rule of epistemic conduct

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Cul­ti­vate an ob­ses­sion with the ob­ject level

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