Causal Scrubbing

TagLast edit: 10 May 2023 10:07 UTC by Magdalena Wache


Causal Scrub­bing: a method for rigor­ously test­ing in­ter­pretabil­ity hy­pothe­ses [Red­wood Re­search]

3 Dec 2022 0:58 UTC
197 points
35 comments20 min readLW link1 review

How To Do Patch­ing Fast

Joseph Miller11 May 2024 20:13 UTC
35 points
6 comments4 min readLW link

Causal scrub­bing: re­sults on in­duc­tion heads

3 Dec 2022 0:59 UTC
34 points
1 comment17 min readLW link

Causal scrub­bing: Appendix

3 Dec 2022 0:58 UTC
17 points
4 comments20 min readLW link

Prac­ti­cal Pit­falls of Causal Scrubbing

27 Mar 2023 7:47 UTC
87 points
17 comments13 min readLW link

Causal scrub­bing: re­sults on a paren bal­ance checker

3 Dec 2022 0:59 UTC
34 points
2 comments30 min readLW link
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