Blues & Greens (metaphor)


A Fable of Science and Politics

Eliezer Yudkowsky23 Dec 2006 4:50 UTC
334 points
100 comments5 min readLW link

Work­ing With Monsters

johnswentworth20 Jul 2021 15:23 UTC
241 points
54 comments5 min readLW link1 review

Heads I Win, Tails?—Never Heard of Her; Or, Selec­tive Re­port­ing and the Tragedy of the Green Rationalists

Zack_M_Davis24 Sep 2019 4:12 UTC
299 points
40 comments8 min readLW link2 reviews

Blue or Green on Reg­u­la­tion?

Eliezer Yudkowsky15 Mar 2007 18:04 UTC
89 points
40 comments4 min readLW link

Blues, Greens and abortion

Snowyowl5 Mar 2011 19:15 UTC
16 points
157 comments1 min readLW link

The Two-Party Swindle

Eliezer Yudkowsky1 Jan 2008 8:38 UTC
73 points
68 comments8 min readLW link

Gam­ing Democracy

Froolow30 Jul 2014 9:45 UTC
14 points
27 comments6 min readLW link

Notes on Loyalty

David Gross15 Nov 2020 19:30 UTC
17 points
2 comments8 min readLW link

My con­cerns about the term ‘ra­tio­nal­ist’

JamesCole4 Jun 2009 15:31 UTC
12 points
34 comments2 min readLW link

Richard Dawk­ins TV—Baloney De­tec­tion Kit video

Roko25 Jun 2009 0:27 UTC
2 points
35 comments1 min readLW link

That Thing That Happened

[deleted]18 Dec 2012 12:29 UTC
33 points
85 comments2 min readLW link

Manda­tory Obsessions

Jacob Falkovich14 Nov 2018 18:19 UTC
77 points
14 comments6 min readLW link

Only You Can Prevent Your Mind From Get­ting Killed By Politics

ChrisHallquist26 Oct 2013 13:59 UTC
61 points
144 comments5 min readLW link
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