Information hazards and downside risks

In this sequence, we (Convergence Analysis) will seek to:

  • clarify the concepts of information hazards and downside risks

  • visually represent how they relate to each other and to other types of effects

  • suggest some models, insights, and rules-of-thumb to help with handling potential information hazards and downside risks

  • discuss related issues, like downside risks from the “evolution” of ideas

We hope you will find this sequence clear, interesting, and useful in your efforts to have a positive impact on the world.

Additional sources relevant to these topics can be found here and here.

What are in­for­ma­tion haz­ards?

Map­ping down­side risks and in­for­ma­tion hazards

In­for­ma­tion haz­ards: Why you should care and what you can do

Memetic down­side risks: How ideas can evolve and cause harm

Good and bad ways to think about down­side risks