Tensions in Truthseeking

Why did LessWrong 1.0 die? Why has much progress since then happened in more private venues? Why do people who seem to earnestly care about truth keep talking past each other, or viewing each other with distrust?

This sequence is me working through a lot of those questions, ultimately trying to answer a question: how do we build a platform enabling intellectual progress?

Ten­sions in Truth­seek­ing

The Archipelago Model of Com­mu­nity Standards

Mus­ings on Dou­ble Crux (and “Pro­duc­tive Disagree­ment”)

Com­mon vs Ex­pert Jar­gon

Writ­ing That Pro­vokes Comments

Writ­ing Down Conversations

De­mon Threads

Tak­ing it Pri­vate: Short Cir­cuit­ing De­mon Threads (work­ing ex­am­ple)

Meta-tations on Moder­a­tion: Towards Public Archipelago

Open Prob­lems in Archipelago