If it quacks like a duck...

In this post, I will present an argument for the claim that GPT-4′s linguistic capabilities justify membership in human linguistic communities.


  • Defining Linguistic Communities and Membership Criteria

  • Assessing GPT-4′s Qualifications

    • Criterion 1: Mastery of Linguistic Conventions

    • Criterion 2: Contextual Understanding

    • Criterion 3: Adaptability and Learning

    • Criterion 4: Active Participation in Communication

  • Objections and Replies

Defining Linguistic Communities and Membership Criteria

A linguistic community consists of a group of individuals who communicate using a shared language, adhering to a set of linguistic conventions that enable effective communication. Members of a linguistic community possess a shared understanding of the language’s syntax, semantics, and pragmatics, which facilitates the accurate conveyance of meaning. To qualify as a member of a linguistic community, an entity must demonstrate the ability to understand and generate language consistent with the community’s conventions.

Assessing GPT-4′s Qualifications

I will argue that GPT-4 demonstrates membership in linguistic communities through mastery of linguistic conventions, contextual understanding, adaptability and learning, and participation in communication.

Criterion 1: Mastery of Linguistic Conventions

GPT-4, a large language model, has been trained on an extensive corpus of text representing the linguistic conventions of various communities. This exposure allows GPT-4 to acquire knowledge of the patterns, structures, and relationships between words, phrases, and concepts, effectively internalizing the conventions of human language. By generating coherent, contextually appropriate, and convention-consistent text, GPT-4 exhibits its mastery of these linguistic conventions.

Criterion 2: Contextual Understanding

To be considered a member of a linguistic community, an entity must possess the ability to understand the context in which language is used. GPT-4 has exhibited proficiency in tasks that demand contextual understanding, such as machine translation, sentiment analysis, summarization, question-answering, and conversational AI. Through its successful interpretation and generation of contextually appropriate language, GPT-4 showcases the contextual understanding characteristic of a linguistic community member.

Criterion 3: Adaptability and Learning

Members of linguistic communities adapt and learn as language evolves. GPT-4 can update its language understanding through exposure to new data. This adaptability and learning ability allow GPT-4 to maintain alignment with the linguistic conventions and norms of the communities represented in its training set, despite being frozen at a specific point in time.

Criterion 4: Active Participation in Communication

An essential criterion for membership in a linguistic community is active participation in communication within that community. GPT-4, employed in various applications such as chatbots, AI writing assistants, and others, actively engages in communication with human users, thereby participating in the linguistic communities it has been trained on.

These criteria are deemed jointly sufficient because, when taken together, they provide a comprehensive overview of the linguistic abilities and behaviors typically exhibited by human members of a linguistic community. If an entity demonstrates these four criteria, it follows that it can effectively understand and generate language, as well as engage in meaningful communication within the community.[1] This strongly suggests that language use requires effective understanding, not “genuine” or conscious understanding. (I think it’s an open question whether effective understanding of language entails intentionality.)

Objections and Replies

I argued that GPT-4 demonstrates membership in linguistic communities through mastery of linguistic conventions, contextual understanding, adaptability and learning, and participation in communication. However, several objections challenge this view.

  1. Objection: GPT-4 lacks consciousness and intentionality.
    My response: While GPT-4 may lack consciousness and intentionality, its linguistic competency allows it to effectively participate in communication. Membership should be evaluated based on linguistic proficiency, not consciousness or intentionality.

  2. Objection: GPT-4 can generate inaccurate or fabricated information.
    My response: While GPT-4 may occasionally produce errors, human language users are also prone to mistakes.

  3. Objection: GPT-4′s understanding is purely statistical.
    My response: GPT-4′s understanding relies on statistical patterns, but this approach effectively captures linguistic conventions. Its ability to generate coherent and contextually appropriate text demonstrates the successful internalization of these conventions.

  4. Objection: GPT-4 does not learn from specific interactions.
    My response: GPT-4′s learning primarily occurs during training, but continual retraining and fine-tuning with new data would allow it to adapt and update its language understanding, aligning with evolving linguistic community norms.

  5. Objection: GPT-4 cannot engage in genuine two-way communication.
    My response: GPT-4′s conversational AI and question-answering capabilities demonstrate its ability to engage in two-way communication, albeit with limitations. Its participation in linguistic communities remains effective despite potential missteps in handling the nuances of communication.

  6. Objection: GPT-4′s training data may not capture the entirety of a linguistic community.
    My response: Although GPT-4′s training data may not encompass every community aspect, it represents a substantial portion of linguistic conventions, enabling effective participation in communication. Human language understanding is similarly limited.

  7. Objection: GPT-4′s outputs are determined by algorithms and not genuine understanding.
    My response: While GPT-4′s outputs are algorithmically generated, its performance in language tasks reflects the successful internalization of linguistic conventions, allowing effective communication within linguistic communities. Human linguistic behavior can also frequently lack genuine understanding.

  8. Objection: GPT-4 lacks non-verbal communication skills.
    My response: Our assessment of GPT-4′s membership in linguistic communities emphasizes verbal communication proficiency, which is more pertinent than non-verbal skills. For example, individuals who communicate solely through text-based channels, such as online forums, can be considered members of linguistic communities despite the lack of non-verbal cues.

  9. Objection: GPT-4 cannot create novel linguistic conventions.
    My response: Membership in linguistic communities does not require innovation but rather effective communication using established conventions. GPT-4′s understanding and generation of language consistent with existing conventions justify its membership.

  10. Objection: GPT-4 doesn’t embody an agent but merely simulates one, so it can’t be considered a genuine member of a linguistic community.
    My response: While GPT-4 may not possess the same adaptability and real-time learning capabilities as a human agent, its proficiency in understanding and generating language, as well as its ability to effectively communicate within linguistic communities, support its inclusion in these communities. GPT-4′s limitations don’t negate its value as a participant in linguistic interactions, even if it merely simulates agency.

In conclusion, I argue that GPT-4 exhibits the essential characteristics of a linguistic community member by mastering linguistic conventions, demonstrating contextual understanding, adapting and learning, and actively engaging in communication within those communities. Although the objections raised deserve consideration, GPT-4′s performance in language tasks and its capacity for effective communication within linguistic communities support the view that it is a member of the linguistic communities it serves.

  1. ^

    While these criteria are sufficient to establish GPT-4′s membership in linguistic communities, it is important to consider whether they are also collectively necessary. In other words, must an entity meet all four criteria to be considered a member of a linguistic community, or could there be other factors at play?

    a) Mastery of Linguistic Conventions: This criterion is necessary because, without a shared understanding of a language’s syntax, semantics, and pragmatics, communication would be severely hindered or even impossible.

    b) Understanding of Context: This criterion is necessary as context plays a crucial role in human communication. An entity that cannot interpret or generate language in contextually appropriate ways would struggle to communicate effectively within the community.

    c) Adaptability and Learning: This criterion may not be strictly necessary for short-term membership in a linguistic community. However, over time, languages evolve, and an entity that cannot adapt and learn would eventually become outdated and ineffective in communication.

    d) Participation in Communication: This criterion is necessary because an entity that does not actively engage in communication within the community cannot truly be considered a member of that community.

    In summary, the proposed criteria are jointly sufficient for establishing GPT-4′s membership in linguistic communities. While adaptability and learning might not be strictly necessary for initial membership in a linguistic community, they are essential for remaining a member, as languages evolve over time. Therefore, with the understanding that adaptability and learning play a crucial role in sustained membership, the criteria are also collectively necessary for an entity to be considered a member of a linguistic community.