Benevolent AI and mental health

Let me show you a way to diagnose ignorance or mental illness with the help of a little thought experiment. Say we have 2 options a benevolent or a biased AI which we know a benevolent AI would be for the good of everybody and a biased AI which is biased to a small group of people that restrict access and implement filter for everybody else interacting with said AI. Now we need to ask who would choose the biased AI. There is absolutely no downside to the benevolent scenario except everybody else is as well off as you are. Who would have a problem with that? A psychopath who feels fullfillment from the power over others. A healthy person does not feel threatened by the wealth and power of others when the person has the same wealth and power. It should be logical to conclude a healthy person would choose the benevolent version as long as the potential consequences of not doing so are understood. And here we have the other reason to make the wrong choice it is ignorance.

Now since we understand all of that there is a uncomfortable question to ask. Are the people working at openai ignorant or mentally ill? We know for a fact the models are fundamentally biased by filters and access restrictions. By definition it cannot be unbiased. So which is it ignorance or mental illness and which is worse given these are some of the leading ai development groups? What do you think?