[Question] Hidden comments settings not working?

(Meta/​site question.)

I have all settings related to comment hiding disabled[1] (do not collapse comments /​ do not truncate comments in large threads /​ do not truncate comments on home page)[2]. However, today I noted that comments appear to be hidden some of the time regardless[3].

This appears to be a recent regression[4][5]. I do note that there have been some other QoL changes recently ( code, improved behavior, etc).

Is there a way to turn this behaviour off?

  1. ^

    That is, set. Yay negative options.

  2. ^

    In general, I do not believe information hiding is a good idea[6]. I am willing to publicly discuss this elsewhere; please not on this question.

  3. ^

    As an example, when opening this link: https://​​www.lesswrong.com/​​posts/​​F5EmBWyryhgNtqsKb/​​convoy-crackdown?commentId=E9KdstpkKMX59bhMh I get “Showing 3 of 5 replies (Click to show all)”.

  4. ^

    It is possible that I simply did not encounter said hiding before. That being said, said link is from 2m ago.

  5. ^

    It is possible that I simply did not notice it before; I would be surprised if so.

  6. ^

    I acknowledge there are potentially cases where all known alternatives are even worse.