Some secondary statistics from the results of LW Survey

Global LW (N=643) vs USA LW (N=403) vs. Average US Household (Comparable Income)
Income Bracket LW Mean Contributions USA LW Mean Contribution US Mean Contributions** [1] LW Mean Income USA LW Mean Income US Mean*** Income [1] LW Contributions /​Income USA LW Contributions/​Income US Contributions/​Income [1]
$0 - $25000 (41% of LW) $1,395.11 $935.47 $1,177.52 $11,241.14 $11,326.18 $15,109.85 12.41% 8.26% 7.79%
$25000-$50000 (17% of LW) $438.25 $571.00 $1,748.08 $34,147.14 $32,758.06 $38,203.79 1.28% 1.74% 4.58%
$50000-$75000 (12% of LW) $1,757.77 $1,638.59 $2,191.58 $60,387.69 $61,489.30 $62,342.05 2.91% 2.66% 3.52%
$75000-$100000 (9% of LW) $1,883.36 $2,211.81 $2,624.81 $84,204.09 $83,049.54 $87,182.68 2.24% 2.66% 3.01%
$100000-$200000 (16% of LW) $3,645.73 $3,372.84 $3,555.02 $123,581.28 $124,577.88 $137,397.03 2.95% 2.71% 2.59%
>$200000 (5% of LW) $14,162.35 $15,970.67 $15,843.97 $296,884.63 $299,444.44 $569,447.35 4.77% 5.33% 2.78%
Total $2,265.56 $2,669.85 $3,949.26 $62,285.72 $75,130.37 $133,734.60 3.64% 3.55% 2.95%
All < $200000 $1,689.36 $1,649.32 $2,515.29 $51,254.43 $58,306.81 $81,207.03 3.30% 2.83% 3.10%

Global LW (N=643) vs USA LW (N=403) vs. Average US Citizen (Comparable Age)
Age Bracket* LW Median US LW Median US Median*** [2]
15-24 $17,000.00 $20,000.00 $26,999.13
25-34 $50,000.00 $60,504.00 $45,328.70
All <35 $40,000.00 $58,000.00 $40,889.57

Global LW (N=407) vs USA LW (N=243) vs. Average US Citizen (Comparable IQ)
Average LW** US LW US Between 125-155 IQ [3]
Median Income $40,000.00 $58,000.00 $60,528.70
Mean Contributions $2,265.56 $2,669.85 $2,016.00

Note: Three data points were removed from the sample due to my subjective opinion that they were fake. Any self-reported IQs of 0 were removed. Any self-reported income of 0 was removed.

*89% of the LW population is between the age of 15 and 34.

**88% of the LW population has an IQ between 125 and 155, with an average IQ of 138.

****Median numbers were adjusted down by a factor of 1.15 to account for the fact that the source data was calculating household median income rather than individual median income.

[1] Internal Revenue Service, Charitable Giving by Households that Itemize Deductions (AGI and Itemized Contributions Summary by Zip, 2012), The Urban Institute, National Center for Charitable Statistics

[2] U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2013 and 2014 Annual Social and Economic Supplements.

[3] Do you have to be smart to be rich? The impact of IQ on wealth, income and financial distress Intelligence, Vol. 35, No. 5. (September 2007), by Jay L. Zagorsky

Update 1: Updated chart 1&2 to account for the fact that the source data was calculating household median income rather than individual income.

Update 2: Reverted Chart 1 back to original because I realized that the purpose was to compare LWers to those in similar income brackets. So in that situation, whether it’s a household or an individual is not as relevant. It does penalize households to an extent because they have less money available to donate to charity because they’re splitting their money three ways.

Update 3: Updated all charts to include data that is filtered for US only.