Deepmind Plans for Rat-Level AI

Demis Hassabis gives a great presentation on the state of Deepmind’s work as of April 20, 2016. Skip to 23:12 for the statement of the goal of creating a rat-level AI—“An AI that can do everything a rat can do,” in his words. From his tone, it sounds like this is more a short-term, not a long-term goal.

I don’t think Hassabis is prone to making unrealistic plans or stating overly bold predictions. I strongly encourage you to scan through Deepmind’s publication list to get a sense of how quickly they’re making progress. (In fact, I encourage you to bookmark that page, because it seems like they add a new paper about twice a month.) The outfit seems to be systematically knocking down all the “Holy Grail” milestones on the way to GAI, and this is just Deepmind. The papers they’ve put out in just the last year or so concern successful one-shot learning, continuous control, actor-critic architectures, novel memory architectures, policy learning, and bootstrapped gradient learning, and these are just the most stand-out achievements. There’s even a paper co-authored by Stuart Armstrong concerning Friendliness concepts on that list.

If we really do have a genuinely rat-level AI within the next couple of years, I think that would justify radically moving forward expectations of AI development timetables. Speaking very naively, if we can go from “sub-nematode” to “mammal that can solve puzzles” in that timeframe, I would view it as a form of proof that “general” intelligence does not require some mysterious ingredient that we haven’t discovered yet.