Optimizing optimizing LessWrong

Our optimization process sucks.

Every now and then someone makes up a thread concerning the optimization of LW, we have a nice discussion, one or the other idea gets a number of upvotes, sometimes quite a lot, but in the end, nothing happens.

What’s more, it is predictable that nothing will happen, which kills the motivation to contribute.

  • The LW staff (those who hold the authority to implement major changes!) needs to commit a considerable amount of time for the optimization of LW. If necessary, hire someone and make his main job LW optimization.

  • The people contributing to optimization threads need to get serious feedback from the staff. It is just frustrating to feel that those who are in charge of implementing changes will not even take the time to think my arguments through.

It is just a tragic waste to put so much time and effort into LW, and about nothing into optimizing it.