Ideological bullies?

Science has long questioned theism by examining design flaws in the nature. However, it seems to me that some science followers don’t like being questioned about the scientific methodology. Just like theists don’t like being questioned about existence of God.

Of course, science lovers pride themselves on scientific enquiries and methods. But does such pride translate to ego and honour—something that should not be challenged?

I have met several scientists and science Ph.D. students. Some—not all - of them seem to treat fallibists as some kind of nonsense and anti-positivists as a science equivalent of Satan. Although they argue politely, this saddens me. They are not as open-minded as philosophers I know. Philosophers tend to be happy when receiving challenges about their fundamental beliefs. Theists and scientists seem to be otherwise. This is just from my experience though. It is not meant to be generalisable.

Science is not rationalism. It is an attempt to translate empirical results into knowledge with logic and statistics. So, science stands on two foundations—empiricism and rationalism. If one believes in science, they are likely to believe in both empiricism and rationalism. But because empiricism cannot be conclusive, neither can science. Why do scientific ‘facts’ are sometimes spoken as if they were certain? Why do some scientists fail to notice that those ‘facts’ are subject to falsification when new evidence is introduced?

Right, I may have done some silly stuffs like grounded theory, which isn’t compatible with the scientific methods. But I acknowledge that I can be flawed, and my methods are certainly flawed. Some—not all—natural scientists, on the other hand, seem to have so much faith in scientific methods, which I believe is somewhat flawed as well. As a social scientist, I am sometimes intellectually group-raped by scientists as though I offend them by questioning the scientific methods. * sighs *

If you are a scientist or a science follower, may I ask, what do you think about social scientists? Sometimes I feel like scientists look down on social scientists, and I don’t feel comfortable working with them.