Cached Phrases

Recently I’ve noticed that, while introspecting, my internal monologue will state an opinion on a preceding thought, and I will feel an immediate repulsion towards that phrase as something disingenuous or alien. I will then recognize it as what I’ve come to term a “cached phrase”. A variation/​subset of cached thought, it is usually a string of words or that one might hear in a movie or something a friend or coworker would say, but comes to mind when you yourself are thinking about a domain associated with the conversation from the movie or friend.

Some (half fabricated) examples:

“Fred should really cut back on drinking; he just started seeing someone too; *like that’s going to last*… wait, I don’t actually have any reason to think that it wouldn’t...”

A few days after watching an episode of Peep Show, and sympathizing with Mark, who is comically socially inept, I go to eat at a local market/​cafeteria, and often hear Mark’s internal monologue narrate my own situation, self-conscious about how others judge my actions.

I wonder if it correlates positively to the OCD spectrum. I notice it quite frequently in myself (I’m not diagnosed OCD but suspect a slightly higher than average presence), and sometimes struggle to determine whether it’s an opinion I truly hold, or if my hypothesis is an actual explanation for its appearance, or to what degree one of the two is true. Do I really feel what I think? It is too often ambiguous to myself.

Perhaps it is related to the concept of mentally modeling other people. We have our models of what other people would say in certain situations, but in this case, a random model’s opinion is invoked involuntarily.

Does anyone else experience this? Do you agree with my hypothesis, or are these actually genuine thoughts; subconcious-level emotional reactions? Is there, or can we develop, a heuristic for determining where a certain thought or opinion lies on the spectrum between the two?