[Letter] Russians are Welcome in America

Edit [to clarify]: American immigration policy is unwelcoming to immigrants. Often, the only ways to enter the US legally are to marry someone in the US or to get the sponsorship of a powerful tech company. It takes several months even under the best of circumstances. I just wanted clarify that Russians living in the US face no prejudice.

Dear [redacted],

I’m sorry. I had notifications turned off and didn’t see your message until right now.

Get out of Russia before the borders close! If your in-group is LW-adjacent techies then you’re probably smart enough to find a great job in the USA that pays way more than you could ever earn in Russia (even before the war and the sanctions).

I ask you for advice on how to help them find safe place in the foreign social fabric? Is there anyone left who can offer them student\IT positions w/​t being ostracised?


Ostracism is a complete non-issue for Russians in the United States. (And, presumably, other Western nations.) I have never met a single person in real life with hatred towards Russians. Nobody hates Russians here. Russians fit right in. All you need is good English (and, judging by your message, your English is fine (even if it’s not, English isn’t too hard for Russian-speakers to learn)).

Don’t get me wrong. The United States has problems with racism, prejudice and xenophobia. But it’s not directed towards Russians living in America. Getting a visa is hard. But that’s it. Once you’re in, you’re in. (Don’t worry about obtaining an American visa right now. Just get out of the country immediately. Worry about obtaining an American visa later.)

You know that Russian rocket scientist friend I was advertising? I have already gotten contacts from three companies that want to help him acquire employment and a visa. And not just three ordinary companies. Three of the best places to work in the entire United States of America. I can’t promise you the same, but I hope my words help reassure you. We literally have a giant statue in New York symbolizing how welcoming this country is to immigrants.

Your priorities should be.

  1. Get the hell out of Russia before the borders close.

  2. Secure your short-term finances.

  3. Start figuring out how to get a tech job.

