[Question] How can you find the best information out of all information?

There is information out there that could completely change your life but there is no way of knowing what that information is.

Today, I stumbled upon this post and from the top comment there stumbled upon e-prime. There is no way I could stumble upon it without just having insane luck. There is plenty of other information that I would also have to depend on luck to find. I really don’t like that.

My vague idea of a solution would be a recommendation network that optimizes for articles with highest life-changingness rather than when it was posted or something like that. (I wrote poorly about this idea here).

I am interested in other people’s thoughts on how to solve the issue of finding the truly best information out there.

Note: for those that are also knowledge addicts and want to process vast amounts of knowledge, I think passive reading alone is useless and doesn’t lead to sufficient knowledge gain for true expertise. I think many here would find incremental reading as a means of processing vast information, useful.