[Question] What is the biggest crypto news of the past year?

Please give reasons for why you consider it big.

Here are my top questions right now:

  • What major policies are governments adopting, especially in the US?

  • What the hell is Tesla up to?

    • Does anyone really believe that Tesla sold its Bitcoin in order to help the environment? If so, why did they buy it in the first place?

  • Are there any worthwhile applications of smart contracts yet?

    • What are you using them for?

    • I don’t see much value in NFTs yet, I don’t feel much draw to defi, and the prediction markets are either small or nonfunctional.

More importantly, is there a good way for me to answer these questions on my own? I avoid Twitter and news sites because I think they are bad for my mind. What I would like is a way to check in on the state of crypto a few times per year. I care much less about price changes than longer-term things like government policies, clever new applications, scaling & usability issues, and so on.