Melbourne meetup discussion: Contrarian positions

NOTE: This post is a stub for the comments below. Please don’t participate in the voting unless you think it likely that you will attend the next Melbourne, Australia meetup (Friday Aug 5, 7pm).

The next Melbourne meetup may feature a moderated, rationality-policed not-debate. Anyone willing to participate as an interlocutor should post topics below that they think are likely to split the group fairly evenly—one comment per topic. Anyone willing to take an opposing view should reply to that comment saying so. Anyone attending should indicate their interest in hearing and policing that topic by voting up the topics in which they’re interested.

From Tim’s summary:

Some people will be in the discussion and others will be observers, who will point out defects of rationality such as ad hominem attacks, ignoring arguments, unstated premises, etc. Be prepared to change your view (if all else fails!).