[Question] How should you go about valuing your time?

How much is your time worth? $5/​hr? $10? $30? $100? $1,000?

Whenever I ask myself that question, I notice that I am confused. Suppose you are some sort of consultant where you can sign on to some website and choose to work 1 hour and make $100 whenever you want. In that case, I can see why it’d make sense to say that your time is worth $100/​hr. Instead of spending one hour cleaning your home, it would make more sense to do your consulting for one hour, make $100, hire a cleaning person to do it for $40, get your house cleaned, and have $60 left over.

But most people don’t have that option. Most people don’t really have any option to work more hours and make more money. And even if you are a freelancer or a consultant, gigs take time to find and are usually commitments on the order of months, not hours. So then, the above logic doesn’t apply.

So maybe the question just needs to be reworded. Instead of “how much is your time worth”, “how much do you choose to value your time”.

Do you value your time at $1/​hr? No. I think most people would pay $1 to gain one hour of extra time. Do you value it at $1,000/​hr? No, I think most people would trade one hour for $1,000. So $1/​hr is a lower bound and $1,000/​hr is an upper bound. Continue to ask such questions and there’ll be an answer. Or at least a revealed preference (hypothetically).

Then how do you decide how much to choose to value your time? I guess it depends on how much money you have. If you’re tight on cash, you wouldn’t want to use up your limited money to purchase more time, because you have bills to pay, for instance. But if you have a lot of disposable income, trading that money for time might be something that you want to do. Still, with that said, I don’t feel like I have a good idea of how much I should value my own time, as a programmer in a normal programming job. I could see anywhere from $10/​hr to $100/​hr, and perhaps even outside of that range.