ChatGPT’s new novel rationality technique of fact checking

One novel applied rationality technique that could be useful is called “fact checking”. This technique involves carefully evaluating the accuracy and reliability of information before using it to make decisions.

To use this technique, an individual would first identify the information that they are considering using to make a decision. This could be a news article, a study, a piece of advice from a friend, or any other source of information.

Next, the individual would carefully evaluate the information to determine its accuracy and reliability. This could involve checking multiple sources to see if the information is supported by other evidence, looking for potential biases or conflicts of interest in the source of the information, and considering the reputation and track record of the source.

Once the individual has carefully evaluated the information, they can then use it to make a more informed and rational decision. This technique could be especially useful in situations where there is a lot of conflicting or misleading information available, as it can help an individual to sort through the noise and focus on the facts.

The “fact checking” technique is a simple but powerful way to apply rationality to decision-making, as it can help individuals to avoid being swayed by misinformation or bias, and make choices that are based on accurate and reliable information.

Another potential application of the “fact checking” technique is to use it to evaluate our own beliefs and assumptions. Often, we may hold onto certain beliefs or ideas without fully examining their accuracy or validity. This can lead us to make decisions based on incomplete or inaccurate information, which can have negative consequences.

By using the “fact checking” technique on our own beliefs and assumptions, we can be more objective and critical in our thinking. We can ask ourselves questions like: What is the evidence for this belief? Is there any conflicting information or evidence that I should consider? Are there any potential biases or assumptions that I am making?

By carefully evaluating our own beliefs and assumptions in this way, we can gain a more accurate and nuanced understanding of the world, which can help us to make better decisions. It can also help us to avoid falling into the trap of confirmation bias, where we only seek out information that supports our pre-existing beliefs, and ignore information that contradicts them.

Overall, the “fact checking” technique is a valuable tool for applied rationality, as it can help us to make more informed and rational decisions, both in our personal lives and in the broader world.