[Question] Fixed point theory (locally (α,β,ψ) dominated contractive condition)

locally (α,β,ψ) dominated contractive condition

Theorem 2.1 Let α,β:X×X→[0,+∞), r>0, x₀∈X, ψ∈Ψ, (X,d) be an (α,β)-complete metric space and S,T:X→X. If the following conditions hold:
1) S and T are (α,β)-continuous,
2) The pair (S,T) satisfies the locally (α,β,ψ) dominated contractive condition on B(x₀,r),
3) If x and y belongs to set of common fixed points of S and T, then α(x,y)≥β(x,y).
Then S and T have a unique common fixed point.

I have to solve this theorem in families of mappings.