Hive mind scenario

In a conceivable future, humans gain the technology to eliminate physical suffering and to create interfaces between their own brains and computing devices—interfaces which are sufficiently advanced that the border between the brain and the computer practically vanishes. Humans are able to access all public knowledge as if they ‘knew’ it themselves, and they can also upload their own experiences to this ‘web’ in real-time. The members of this network would lose part of their individuality since an individual’s unique set of skills and experiences are a foundational component of identity.

However, although knowledge can be shared for low cost, computing power will remain bounded and valuable. Even if all other psychological needs are pacified, humans will probably still compete for access to computing power.

But what other elements of identity might still remain? Is it reasonable to say that individuality in such a hive mind would reduce to differing preferences for the use of computational power?