Useful Things Volunteers Can Do Right Now

Per Kaj’s suggestion, I’m posting my list of useful things volunteers can do right now. Without help, most of these things won’t occur, because I need to be spending my time writing papers, promoting the Singularity Summit, collaborating with other researchers, improving Singularity Institute’s transparency, etc.

Previously, I tried to have volunteers contact me so that I could assign people tasks, but that has become too time consuming (as Eliezer predicted), largely because (in my experience) the odds that a volunteer will actually perform a task given that they’ve agreed to perform it are very low.

So, I’ll post my list here and hope that a few people self-organize to get some of them done. It’s worth a shot! My sincere thanks to anyone completes any task on this list.

  • Translate the Singularity FAQ into other languages, besides English and Italian.

  • I have about 8 fashion photos each from 3 minicampers, which need to be shown in random order to 5 straight females (in meatspace) who will judge which they prefer. I have the exact experimental design and the photos. Please email me [lukeprog at gmail] if you’d like to do this; it’s perfect for somebody social.

  • Begin to develop a list of AI technology predictions; a step on this path is to create a list of sources for AI technology predictions. We want to eventually be able to write up a report of correlates between predictions and the properties of prediction-makers at the time of their predictions.

  • Find out how much money the U.S. government/​military has spent researching machine ethics (e.g. via Ronald Arkin), and how much of that money was given to whom and for which projects (citing sources along the way).

  • Work with XiXiDu to interview (via email) more AI researchers about AI risks; see here.

  • Come up with ways to illustrate the idea of an intelligence explosion or friendly ai with a static graphic or a very short animation; create those graphics or animations if possible.

  • Make a list of additional media for (e.g. summit videos).

  • Find a free tool that backs up all your Google Docs, and is available for Mac, Linux, or PC. (thanks Dreaded_Anomaly!)

  • Research nootropics for rationality, especially for increasing cognitive reflectiveness /​ need for cognition. Make a list of recent, useful papers on the topic.

  • Join the Less Wrong Public Goods Team google group and work on, for example, the project of making it much easier to add features to Less Wrong.

  • There is no end to the useful things that you can do at

If you live in Berkeley and want to work directly with me on tasks, even better. I have a bottomless need for in-person personal assistants who want to do things that decrease existential risk, and you’ll get to see the inner workings of an org currently making a run at being the world’s leading independent transhumanist organization.