Robin Hanson asks “Why Not Wait On AI Risk?”

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UPDATE: This is an accidental duplicate. Please go to the first posting here.

Since the AI-Foom Debate Robin Hanson has been quiet for a while but now:

I feel I should periodically try again to explain my reasoning, and ask others to please help show me what I’m missing.

After having analyzed multiple widely expressed AI concerns from an economical angle and comes to the conclusion:

Similar concerns have often been expressed about allowing too many foreigners to immigrate into a society, or allowing the next youthful generation too much freedom to question and change inherited traditions. Or [many other comparable concerns].

Many have deep and reasonable fears regarding big long-term changes. And some seek to design AI so that it won’t allow excessive change. But this issue seems to me much more about change in general than about AI in particular.

There is much more in it but take this as a TL;DR.