Enter the WorldsEnd

Today is March 15th 2024 and marks the beginning of the WorldsEnd movement

A movement that acknowledges the end of the human race before 2050 due to unaligned Superintelligence. As such this movement is about maximising utility over the remaining years on Earth instead of focusing on aligning AI, given that it would require a miracle at this point. WorldsEnders borrow from the future. They do not have 401k accounts or meaningfully save for retirement. They try to avoid paying back debt (to institutions and not to people who may face hardship due to this). They care less about what people think of them because after all, who would care about what some walking dead humans thought of them anyway? They live their life fully in every moment and take no shit from literally anyone. They do these things to maximise their utility over the expected lifetime of humanity. They are short and medium-termists rather than long-termists. They are not worried about mortgages and owning property in 25 years. They do not expect to be alive then.

A cancer patient with a 1% 5 year survival rate might choose to skip out on a harsh treatment that would only increase their chances to 1.5%. Yet we are supposed to spend the only time we have left on working on AI alignment even when we dont expect it to work? Lets stop deluding ourselves. Lets actually stop deluding ourselves. Lets accept that we are about to die and make the most of the time we have left.

We are at the WorldsEnd. Lets go out with a blast!