Boston/​Cambridge, MA – ACX Meetups Everywhere 2021

This year’s ACX Meetup everywhere in Boston/​Cambridge, MA.

Location: John F Kennedy Park in Cambridge, near the picnic tables. – ///​area.bricks.tribune

Scott set the time to 5 pm but some of us are planning to get there earlier, perhaps as early as 4 pm.

Please feel free to come even if you feel awkward about it, even if you’re not ‘the typical SSC reader’, even if you’re worried people won’t like you, even if you have never been to a meetup before, etc.

We will meet around the picnic tables, but bear in mind tables and chairs kill big meetups!

Please follow standard social distancing when congregating. Usage of masks and hand sanitizer are encouraged to provide a worry-free environment, but not required.

We have a budget for food and will be purchasing a lot of drinks, snacks, and pizza. We will have vegetarian and vegan pizzas. Jimmy K. will be doing a special demonstration on how to open coconuts using special tools.

There will be a specially designated Effective Altruism Schelling point table/​area where people can learn more about local EA groups.

To add this event to a calendar app of your choice, use this handy link:

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