
Karma: 3,851

“A Muggle security expert would have called it fence-post security, like building a fence-post over a hundred metres high in the middle of the desert. Only a very obliging attacker would try to climb the fence-post. Anyone sensible would just walk around the fence-post, and making the fence-post even higher wouldn’t stop that.” —HPMOR, Ch. 115

(Not to be confused with the Trevor who works at Open Phil)

WSJ: In­side Ama­zon’s Se­cret Oper­a­tion to Gather In­tel on Rivals

trevor23 Apr 2024 21:33 UTC
37 points
5 comments5 min readLW link

[Linkpost] Prac­ti­cally-A-Book Re­view: Root­claim $100,000 Lab Leak Debate

trevor28 Mar 2024 16:03 UTC
77 points
22 comments2 min readLW link

[Linkpost] Vague Ver­biage in Forecasting

trevor22 Mar 2024 18:05 UTC
11 points
9 comments3 min readLW link

Trans­for­ma­tive trust­build­ing via ad­vance­ments in de­cen­tral­ized lie detection

trevor16 Mar 2024 5:56 UTC
17 points
7 comments38 min readLW link

So­cial me­dia use prob­a­bly in­duces ex­ces­sive mediocrity

trevor17 Feb 2024 22:49 UTC
7 points
11 comments12 min readLW link

Don’t sleep on Co­or­di­na­tion Takeoffs

trevor27 Jan 2024 19:55 UTC
62 points
24 comments5 min readLW link

(4 min read) An in­tu­itive ex­pla­na­tion of the AI in­fluence situation

trevor13 Jan 2024 17:34 UTC
12 points
26 comments4 min readLW link

Up­grad­ing the AI Safety Community

16 Dec 2023 15:34 UTC
41 points
9 comments42 min readLW link

[Linkpost] Ge­orge Mack’s Razors

trevor27 Nov 2023 17:53 UTC
38 points
8 comments3 min readLW link

Alt­man firing re­tal­i­a­tion in­com­ing?

trevor19 Nov 2023 0:10 UTC
50 points
23 comments5 min readLW link

Helpful ex­am­ples to get a sense of mod­ern au­to­mated manipulation

trevor12 Nov 2023 20:49 UTC
33 points
3 comments9 min readLW link

We are already in a per­sua­sion-trans­formed world and must take precautions

trevor4 Nov 2023 15:53 UTC
36 points
14 comments6 min readLW link

5 Rea­sons Why Govern­ments/​Mili­taries Already Want AI for In­for­ma­tion Warfare

trevor30 Oct 2023 16:30 UTC
32 points
0 comments10 min readLW link

Sen­sor Ex­po­sure can Com­pro­mise the Hu­man Brain in the 2020s

trevor26 Oct 2023 3:31 UTC
17 points
6 comments10 min readLW link

AI Safety is Drop­ping the Ball on Clown Attacks

trevor22 Oct 2023 20:09 UTC
70 points
72 comments34 min readLW link

In­for­ma­tion war­fare his­tor­i­cally re­volved around hu­man conduits

trevor28 Aug 2023 18:54 UTC
37 points
7 comments3 min readLW link

Assess­ment of in­tel­li­gence agency func­tion­al­ity is difficult yet important

trevor24 Aug 2023 1:42 UTC
47 points
5 comments9 min readLW link

One ex­am­ple of how LLM pro­pa­ganda at­tacks can hack the brain

trevor16 Aug 2023 21:41 UTC
24 points
8 comments4 min readLW link

Buy­ing Tall-Poppy-Cut­ting Offsets

trevor20 May 2023 3:59 UTC
23 points
4 comments2 min readLW link

Fi­nan­cial Times: We must slow down the race to God-like AI

trevor13 Apr 2023 19:55 UTC
103 points
17 comments16 min readLW link