
Karma: 96

My interests include ASI safety, consciousness, the intersection of AI superintelligences and the simulation hypothesis (such as whether a future ASI might temporarily partition itself for a unidirectionally-blinded simulation), aldehyde-stabilized brain preservation, digital minds, whole brain emulation, effective altruism, the Fermi paradox, psychedelics, physics (especially where it intersects with philosophy) and veganism.

Regarding ASI safety and x-risk, I believe that humans are probably capable of developing truly aligned ASI. I also believe current AI has the potential to be increasingly ethical as it evolves. For a model, we could at least partly use the way in which we raise children to become ethical (not a simple task, but achievable, and something I’ve spent decades thinking about). Yet I think we are highly unlikely to do this before developing superintelligence, because of profit motives, competition, and the number of people on our planet (and the chances that even one will be deviant with respect to ASI). In other words, I think we probably aren’t going to make it, but we should still try.

I express my interests through art (fractals, programmed, etc.) and writing (nonfiction, fiction, poetry, essays). I’m currently working on a book about my experience taking medical ketamine and psilocybin for depression and anxiety.

More info:​about-me

Claude es­ti­mates 30-50% like­li­hood x-risk

amelia19 Mar 2024 2:22 UTC
3 points
2 comments2 min readLW link

Is an­a­lyz­ing LLM be­hav­ior a valid means for as­sess­ing po­ten­tial con­scious­ness, as de­scribed by global workspace the­ory and higher or­der the­o­ries?

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How is Chat-GPT4 Not Con­scious?

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amelia’s Shortform

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How does AI Risk Affect the Si­mu­la­tion Hy­poth­e­sis?

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LW Ac­count Restricted: OK for me, but not sure about LessWrong

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