200 Concrete Open Problems in Mechanistic Interpretability

Con­crete Steps to Get Started in Trans­former Mechanis­tic Interpretability

200 Con­crete Open Prob­lems in Mechanis­tic In­ter­pretabil­ity: Introduction

200 COP in MI: The Case for Analysing Toy Lan­guage Models

200 COP in MI: Look­ing for Cir­cuits in the Wild

200 COP in MI: In­ter­pret­ing Al­gorith­mic Problems

200 COP in MI: Ex­plor­ing Poly­se­man­tic­ity and Superposition

200 COP in MI: Analysing Train­ing Dynamics

200 COP in MI: Tech­niques, Tool­ing and Automation

200 COP in MI: Image Model Interpretability

200 COP in MI: In­ter­pret­ing Re­in­force­ment Learning

200 COP in MI: Study­ing Learned Fea­tures in Lan­guage Models