Singular Learning Theory

Singular Learning Theory (SLT) is a novel mathematical framework that expands and improves upon traditional Statistical Learning theory using techniques from algebraic geometry, bayesian statistics, and statistical physics. It has great promise for the mathematical foundations of modern machine learning.

From the meta-uni seminar on SLT:

The canonical references are Watanabe’s two textbooks:

Some other introductory references:

Neu­ral net­works gen­er­al­ize be­cause of this one weird trick

In­ter­view Daniel Mur­fet on Univer­sal Phenom­ena in Learn­ing Machines

Spooky ac­tion at a dis­tance in the loss landscape

Gra­di­ent sur­fing: the hid­den role of regularization

The shal­low re­al­ity of ‘deep learn­ing the­ory’

Em­piri­cal risk min­i­miza­tion is fun­da­men­tally confused