Fact Finding: Attempting to Reverse-Engineer Factual Recall on the Neuron Level

Fact Find­ing: At­tempt­ing to Re­v­erse-Eng­ineer Fac­tual Re­call on the Neu­ron Level (Post 1)

Fact Find­ing: Sim­plify­ing the Cir­cuit (Post 2)

Fact Find­ing: Try­ing to Mechanis­ti­cally Un­der­stand­ing Early MLPs (Post 3)

Fact Find­ing: How to Think About In­ter­pret­ing Me­mori­sa­tion (Post 4)

Fact Find­ing: Do Early Lay­ers Spe­cial­ise in Lo­cal Pro­cess­ing? (Post 5)