Otherness and control in the age of AGI

This series examines a set of interconnected questions about how agents with different values should relate to one another, and about the ethics of seeking and sharing power. They’re old questions – but I think that we will have to grapple with them in new ways as increasingly powerful AI systems come online.

The series covers a lot of ground, but I’m hoping the individual essays can be read fairly well on their own. The first essay includes a brief summary of the essays released thus far. There’s also a full PDF of the series here, and full audio here.

Oth­er­ness and con­trol in the age of AGI

Gentle­ness and the ar­tifi­cial Other

Deep athe­ism and AI risk

When “yang” goes wrong

Does AI risk “other” the AIs?

An even deeper atheism

Be­ing nicer than Clippy

On the abo­li­tion of man

On green

On attunement

Lov­ing a world you don’t trust