Reframing Impact

Why do some things seem like really big deals to us? Do most agents best achieve their goals by seeking power? How might we avert catastrophic incentives in the utility maximization framework?

Refram­ing Impact

1. What is impact?

Value Impact

De­duc­ing Impact

At­tain­able Utility The­ory: Why Things Matter

World State is the Wrong Ab­strac­tion for Impact

The Gears of Impact

2. How agents impact each other

Seek­ing Power is Often Con­ver­gently In­stru­men­tal in MDPs

At­tain­able Utility Land­scape: How The World Is Changed

The Catas­trophic Con­ver­gence Conjecture

At­tain­able Utility Preser­va­tion: Concepts

3. Regularizing impact

At­tain­able Utility Preser­va­tion: Em­piri­cal Results

How Low Should Fruit Hang Be­fore We Pick It?

At­tain­able Utility Preser­va­tion: Scal­ing to Superhuman

Rea­sons for Ex­cite­ment about Im­pact of Im­pact Mea­sure Research

Con­clu­sion to ‘Refram­ing Im­pact’