[Question] Does agency necessarily imply self-preservation instinct?

I have recently read some blog posts (this, this and this) about tool AGIs and why agent AGIs are more likely. The argument that convinced me to err on the side of agent AGIs was that they are more likely to have an economical advantage over tool AGIs, as explained here.

I do not question the value of AI safety research; I think it’s good to have people who are trying to make sure that an agent AGI is aligned with what we (as humans) actually want. However, I am not sure that agency necessarily implies self-preservation instinct.

I think you could have a superintelligent agent (which has its own agency in the sense that it can act in the world) which does not resist being shut down. I could envision some future scenarios where a superintelligent agent does resist being shut down or being modified by humans (hence the value of AI safety research), but I don’t see that you gain self-preservation instinct by agency itself. I think self-preservation instinct either has to be coded inside the agent or sometimes (but not always) emerges from a combination of superintelligence and having your own agency.

From the impression I got from reading some AI safety related materials it seems that most people seem to assume that if a superintelligent agent exists, it is most likely going to have self-preservation instincts (such as resisting being shut down). I think it is a plausible future scenario, but I don’t think it’s the only scenario. Hence why I’m asking this question.